Hey this is Cloud62526, the Pres., I know it has been a while since most of u have
heard from me and some i talk to all the time and some of u are new and this is a
chance to find out what the club is about. The club is about Final Fantasy games
and Dragon Ball Z and soon I may add Pokemon depending if the members don't
mind. I also have a RPG part to this club and it is a mix between FF and DBZ. The
old Pres. was JoJacks1 and he was shot and the bullet skimmed his forehead and so
I took over the club for him and i have been waiting for him to come take his club
back and every time i talk to him he says he will be on more but he hasn't recently
but he say that I have done a great job with the club and that I should keep it up and
I wish he was on more cause I want him to be the V-Pres. but unless he gets on
more before the RPG tournament the person who makes it to me gets the spot and I
am goin to need help on the newsletter.